Duty to Advocate and Shared Concerns
As confirmed in the City of Calgary website: https://www.calgary.ca/communities/community-associations/general-information.html#def confirms that, according to City guidelines, Community Associations (CAs) are expected to both promote the protection of their community’s natural resources and beauty and voice community concerns on issues affecting their community. Further, it is confirmed at https://calgarycommunities.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Establishing-a-Community-Association-Summary-for-External-Use.pdf that the PBPCA is expected to provide information to residents through a newsletter and/or web presence, act as a unified voice on issues affecting the community and provide input into the planning and development process to foster good planning practices.
Any efforts by our elected officials or City employees to neutralize Calgarians and their CAs or prevent them from having the opportunity to see relevant information and have the opportunity to provide informed and meaningful input in planning and development matters affecting their communities are just plain wrong.
Whether this happens to Ward 11 Calgarians, in connection with the recent City decision to sell greenspace / parkland next to Glenmore Landing and the Glenmore Reservoir city water supply nearby, Calgarians living near Richmond Green Regional Park, the Shawnee Slopes or Highland Park Golf Courses, the Viscount Bennet or D Oughton Schools it should be a concern to all Calgarians. Despite the concerns with traffic congestion and proximity to the reservoir, the sale is linked to an application to rezone the Glenmore Landing greenspace to allow the construction of a high density residential towers (20 or more stories).
For Calgarians who have not yet been affected by such treatment, if you just stand by and do nothing to oppose it, you could soon be feeling the effects. Don’t let your CAs be neutralized or allow them to delegate advocacy for your concerns to anyone who does not advocate them for you.
In a world that is getting warmer, with concerns about having enough good drinking water, Calgarians should be concerned about preserving the Glenmore Reservoir which supplies so much of Calgary’s good drinking water and all (inadequately informed) City decisions towards more high density development, close to this ecologically sensitive treasure.