Greetings Neighbors !
Hoping you are all staying warm enough, as we watch with interest all the developments happening in our world.
As I write this message (a month before you will receive it in February) we have not yet learned the names of all of the people who will be candidates for office, in our upcoming Calgary municipal election on October 20, 2025.
The register of candidates can be found at https://www.calgary.ca/election/for-voters/register-of-candidates.html . At this point (January 7, 2025) Kourtney Penner is not listed as someone who has given written notice to Elections Calgary of intention to run. Mind you, neither has Mayor Jyoti Gondek, who di announce that she would be running again.
After the application for rezoning of Glenmore Landing was defeated, it was good to see people removing the sign that advertised it o 90thAvenue.
Again, our thanks to all of you who worked so hard to protect our community in the face of that application.
The threats of unwanted densification in our community near the reservoir has not disappeared and we must be vigilant in building up our Environmental and Planning advocacy fund. Please consider the value of your homes and provide your generous contribution to help with those legal costs, which is needed and will be appreciated.
The PBPCA is a registered charity. Through our website, www.pbpcommunity.ca/donate/ you can follow the link and get an immediate tax receipt for your donation.
For donations of more than $250.00 larger cheques, to save on processing fees, please note “Environmental and Planning Advocacy” on the cheque, payable to “Palliser Bayview Pumphill Community Association”, mail it to the PBPCA at 2323 Palliser Drive SW Calgary, Alberta. T2V 3S4, and the tax receipt will be mailed to you.
Our Open House will be held on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 7 PM, with our Annual General Meeting. Our lawyer Richard Harrison will be speaking. Please mark your calendars and we hope to see you there
Wishing you all the best.
Harris Hanson – President